Vermont is treating me well!!! Right now it is a continue struggle to find people to teach but i know that with the Lords help we will and we will see miracles!!!
So Sunday was by far my favorite day this week... well every Sunday is my favorite day. So in Sacrament meeting I heard probably the best talk i have ever heard it was by the 1st counselor in the Branch presidency. Brother Vaughn told a story about a biking race he did and how through out this race he met and made a lot of friend. But also during the race he have alot of road blocks. Such as hypothermia and his knee starting to give out on him. He talked about Trail Angles and how as he hit the road blocks and was ready to quite there was always a trail angle there to help. As he had many people back home cheering him on he know that he need to make it to the end but the only problem was there came a time he needed medical help with his knees. He then tied the story to our journey here on Earth and how we have people cheering us one here on earth and beyond the veil. (i didnt tell the sorry to well sorry) And how no matter what we can return to our father because we will have our own trail angles helping us get there.
Then we had a wonderful Sunday school lesson on Covenants. We talked about how a covenant is a 2 way promise and the through our obedience to the promises we make we will be able to see wonderful blessings and be able to dwell with our Heavenly Father again! A great scripture that describe the importance of keeping our covenants is D&C 82:10, " I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." We must always follow all that the Lords asked of us so then we can all receive all the promised blessings the lord has for us! Sister Linda K. Burton once said, " The Best way to Strengthen a home is to Keep Covenants! Promises we've made to each other and to God." Build your faith in the lord and please strive to keep your covenants with the Lord.
So now for amazing story time!!!! So after church on Sunday, Sister Thao and I were going around town called Dorset trying some potential investigators. I needed to pull over to find which person was closes to where we were. As i was driving i felt i need to pull into a Cemetery on the side of the road, me being stubborn I thought to myself, "no, i will pull into the restaurant up the street." So i did just that after we figured out where we were going. I ended up making a right instead of the left, so then i felt I needed to turn around in the Cemetery again. Me being stubborn again said to myself, " Fine Heavenly Father I will!" So as we drove though the Cemetery one of the last head stones we say said in big letters LOVELAND. I was so happy! After i took some pictures, I felt I need to write down their names, as i did so I heard a faint voice say, "you found us!" I was ready to cry! I know that Heavenly Father was leading me to them so then they can have the wonderful gospel.
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